Today the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) published airport-level passenger throughput up to June 11, 2022. Let’s look at the US air traffic trend. Please refer to this article about how we choose specific airports as representatives for US domestic, international, leisure, and business markets.

U.S. Overall Air Traffic Status

The overall US air traffic is climbing up at the beginning of June, but that’s just because of the seasonality. The gap between 2022 and 2019 shrank at the end of May but grew again in June. The overall air traffic may not reach the 2019 level this summer.

US Overall Air Traffic

Domestic Air Traffic Status

The domestic air traffic has been relatively flat since the middle of May. We expect more people on air trips in the next two months but the growth won’t be higher than a normal historic summer because the airfares are soaring.

US Representative Domestic Air Traffic

International Air Traffic Status

The international air traffic is basically following the trend in 2019. The gap between 2022 and 2019 may not reduce until the end of August.

US Representative International Air Traffic

Leisure Air Traffic Status

The leisure air traffic is around its 2019 level. We expect that it grows more in August and then falls down in September.

US Representative Leisure Air Traffic

Business Air Traffic Status

The business air traffic is following the normal seasonality. We expect the gap between 2022 and 2019 to be reduced in July.

US Representative Business Air Traffic

To summarize, the US air traffic grew slightly in the past several weeks, mostly driven by the market seasonality.

US Commercial Airport Traffic: June 2022