ORGVARCHAR(200)Origin airport code, name, and metropolitan areaKVNY/VNY: VAN NUYS,CA (Los Angeles)
ORG_ICAOVARCHAR(10)Origin airport 4-character ICAO code, if anyKVNY
ORG_IATAVARCHAR(10)Origin airport 3-character IATA code, if anyVNY
O_CITYVARCHAR(50)Origin cityVan Nuys
O_TIMEZONEVARCHAR(50)Origin time zoneAmerica/Los_Angeles
O_STATEVARCHAR(50)Origin state code, if anyCA
O_COUNTRYVARCHAR(50)Origin country codeUS
DSTVARCHAR(10)Destination airport code (ICAO code, if any)KTEB/TEB: TETERBORO,NJ (New York)
DST_ICAOVARCHAR(10)Destination airport 4-character ICAO code, if anyKTEB
DST_IATAVARCHAR(10)Destination airport 3-character IATA code, if anyTEB
D_CITYVARCHAR(50)Destination cityTeterboro
D_TIMEZONEVARCHAR(50)Destination time zoneAmerica/New_York
D_STATEVARCHAR(50)Destination state code, if anyNJ
D_COUNTRYVARCHAR(50)Destination country codeUS
OPERATORVARCHAR(4)Operator code (XXX for private flights)LXJ
OPERATOR_NAMEVARCHAR(5000)Operator nameFlexjet LLC
OWNERVARCHAR(1500)Owner or registrant nameFlexjet LLC
FOR_HIREBOOLEANTrue for Part 135 (for-hire) and false for Part 91 (private)True
BUSINESSBOOLEANTrue for business aviationTrue
CALLSIGNVARCHAR(20)Call sign of the aircraftLXJ414
AIRCRAFT_IDVARCHAR(20)Aircraft ID, which could be call sign or tail number of the aircraftLXJ414
REGISTRATIONVARCHAR(20)Registration/tail number of the aircraftN414FX
FLIGHT_NOVARCHARFlight number, if any414
AIRCRAFT_TYPEVARCHAR(10)ICAO aircraft type codeE545
ICAO_CATEGORYVARCHAR(26)ICAO aircraft categoryJet_M
AIRCRAFT_CATEGORYVARCHAR(50)Business aviation aircraft categorySuper Midsize Jet
SEATSNUMBERNumber of seats11
DEPARTURE_UTCTIMESTAMPDeparture time in UTC time2021-01-01 17:02:00
ARRIVAL_UTCTIMESTAMPArrival time in UTC time2021-01-01 21:47:06
LOCAL_DATEDATEDeparture date in local time2021-01-01
DOWVARCHAR(3)Day of week in local timeFri
GATE_DEPARTURETIMESTAMPDeparture time from the gate, if any
DEPARTURETIMESTAMPDeparture time in local time2021-01-01 09:02:00
ARRIVALTIMESTAMPArrival time in local time2021-01-01 16:47:06
SCHEDULED_ORGVARCHAR(10)Scheduled origin airport code, if different from the actual origin airport
SCHEDULED_DSTVARCHAR(10)Scheduled destination airport code, if different from the actual destination airport
FLIGHT_MINUTESNUMBERMinutes of flight time285
BLOCK_MINUTESNUMBERMinutes of block time, which equals taxi-out time + flight time + taxi-in time 300
TAXI_INNUMBERMinutes from run-way wheels down to the gate5
TAXI_OUTNUMBERMinutes from the gate to run-way wheels up10
MILESDOUBLEMiles between the origin airport and the destination airport2450
SOURCEVARCHAR(11)Specific data channel from FAATFMS